Did you know?
ALERRT Center releases the first part of Uvalde After-Action Report

Grant Information

As a response to the recent incidents of school shooting, more funding for school safety, and specifically active shooter safety is available.

School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP) Funding is Now Open

As a response to the recent incidents of school shooting, more funding for school safety, and specifically active shooter safety is available. Through the COPS School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP), $25 Million dollars is available as authorized by the Students, Teachers, and Officers Preventing School Violence Act of 2018 (STOP School Violence Act of 2018) gave the COPS Office authority to provide awards directly to States, units of local government, or Indian tribes to improve security at schools and on school through evidence-based school safety programs. Grant deadline is May 31, 2019.

We at KDL Solutions provide several products tailored specifically for schools to use both when sheltering in place and evacuating. Our Facility Emergency Kit and Classroom Emergency kits contains classroom management items, first aid items and other critical items necessary to manage students and increase safety in a crisis.

Reallocation Money May Now Be Available in Your State

We have been made aware that several states have reallocation money that can be utilized in purchasing Active Shooter, Medical or other custom training kits that KDL Solutions offers. If you would like assistance in seeking state/federal funding to secure grant funding to purchase training kits complete the form below and one of our team members will be in contact with you soon.

For more information regarding grant funding, please complete the following form.